Why I Won’t Tell You Not to Eat the Pie. 

Why I Won’t Tell You Not to Eat the Pie. 

Whether it is sticking to a hard-earned workout regiment or not completely overdoing the holiday goodies, doing something different takes work.

We all need reasons that are greater than abs to stick with healthy habits. That’s why it is important to consider, beyond being more fit, who do you want to be?

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Part I: Should You Add Running to your Routine?

Part I: Should You Add Running to your Routine?

There is a lot to be said about running for the serious strength athlete and the casual trainee. I want to talk about running as a supplemental activity in addition to regularly scheduled strength training: when I would recommend adding running and what might give me pause.

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Attempt Selection in Powerlifting for Non-Powerlifters

Attempt Selection in Powerlifting for Non-Powerlifters

Attempt selection, in powerlifting, is literally which weights you or your coach decide to have the volunteer bar loaders put on the bar for each of your attempts for each of your lifts.  It seems really simple, but a lot of lifters, even those at the top of their game, screw this up.

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Client Spotlight: Bob Downey!

Client Spotlight: Bob Downey!

Our next Client Spotlight is Elliott’s very own brother-in-law, Bob Downey! Bob as been on a serious weight loss journey in 2019 and it shows. He has lost over 50lbs (and counting) and has been getting stronger every week working with Elliott with Virtual Coaching and Justine for his Nutrition work. There’s no end in sight to this progress so read on about he gets the work DONE!

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It's OK to Hate Yourself

It's OK to Hate Yourself

You’ve seen the flurry of memes and pep talks that makes up the current fitness industry. Not only do is it lame and phony, but it’s also ineffective. It is simply not necessary to love yourself completely before you can get started. In fact, the right approach to using negative thoughts can be what keeps you going when it gets tough, and believe me it will get tough.

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