The Keys to a Beginner Program

The Keys to a Beginner Program

Most people are considered “beginners” when it comes to strength training, so you would think that more quality program options would be available.  The truth is, beginner programming relies on a few basic principles for success, and if written correctly, are pretty simple and straightforward.

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What Resistance Training Will Not Make You

I would bet that just about all of our content related to resistance training is spent covering all of its benefits for us. Lifting weights is a great activity, and something that improves just about every system in our body. There are also some other, not so positive, qualities that are often linked to resistance training. I have discussed with many women the concern of getting "bulky" from strength training. Other trainees have voiced their worry about resistance training making them slow or inflexible. This article will be spent explaining why these "concerns" should not be a concern for you.

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What Every American Should Know About Resistance Training

For every fitness goal, resistance training is a powerful tool for improvement. This fact is reflected in the truth that the average personal training session is primarily spent lifting weights. Successful Personal Trainers know which keys are important to constructing an effective resistance training program.

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Some Lessons from Training

In my career as a trainee and fitness professional, I have found that my best education is not coming from books or lectures, but rather day to day experiences. I really enjoy training myself and others, it is an added bonus that I learn more about what I love from doing what I love. The words below are a few conclusions I have come to from the above experiences.

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Want to Train Abs? Don't Do Ab Exercises.

For anyone who has ever stepped foot in a gym, beautiful abs are at least a hopeful side-effect, if not the primary goal, of training. Because of this, abs are one of the most popular muscle groups to train, with countless exercises and equipment available to do so. But what is the best way to develop these often elusive muscles?

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