The One Thing I Enjoy About Moving

It isn’t often that I have the chance to use strength from the weight room in day to day life.  Unfortunately the physical demands of the average adult these days are pretty low.  One of the few exceptions to this is when I am involved in a move.  As stressful and time consuming as a move can be, there is something pretty cool about lifting heavy furniture, or carrying out 6 bags of trash at once to the dumpster.  

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What Resistance Training Will Not Make You

I would bet that just about all of our content related to resistance training is spent covering all of its benefits for us. Lifting weights is a great activity, and something that improves just about every system in our body. There are also some other, not so positive, qualities that are often linked to resistance training. I have discussed with many women the concern of getting "bulky" from strength training. Other trainees have voiced their worry about resistance training making them slow or inflexible. This article will be spent explaining why these "concerns" should not be a concern for you.

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Menopause and Fat Loss: What It May Mean For You

Menopause and Fat Loss: What It May Mean For You

Being a human female can be a special and awesome way to move through the world...

...and it can also be a real pain in the keister.

An average biologically-born woman will spend 40 years menstruating, possibly several years pregnant, and another one to 10 years going through the process of menopause. Other than all that, it's smooth sailing! Am I right, ladies?

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