How I Healed a Sprained Ankle in 4.5 days
/Conventional wisdom says to rest, ice and stay off of it, but what if I did the exact opposite? Would my experiment work or would I hurt myself even worse and risk an even longer injury?
Read MoreConventional wisdom says to rest, ice and stay off of it, but what if I did the exact opposite? Would my experiment work or would I hurt myself even worse and risk an even longer injury?
Read MoreYou go the doctor and tell them about your elbow pain and they give you an X-ray or an MRI or both, and something strange happens: the doctor says there is no structural damage. How can this be?
Read MoreCombining the looks of Bill Nye, and the sass of Neil DeGrasse Tyson, I’m going to give you a tiny anatomy lesson and explain what pain is, why it happens and how you can relieve it.
Read MoreMovement advice from people who don’t know how to move isn’t just useless - it can be dangerous.
Read MoreDon't let pain keep you out of the gym, and walk the smart line between when to push and when to pull back.
Read MorePoor little Daba looks pretty bad here, but he's okay now - find out what happened and how Justine is recovering.
Read MoreJustine has finally learned to put herself FIRST, because it's the UN-selfish thing to do.
Read MoreHere are three great exercises for those muscles of the oft forgotten back of the shoulder. The main focal point in all three is to put the shoulder in a solid packed position.
Read MoreThere are many different types of recovery that athletes and average gym goers can use to help alleviate muscle tension and fatigue. I have arranged them into five categories: Active, Water, Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) ,Soft Tissue/Skeletal release, and Sleep.
Read MoreWe bump and bruise a few places from improper movement, but one of the most common recipients from our poo poo patterns is the hips.
Read MoreRecovery is the most important aspect of training for any athlete. Recovery is where your gains are made, meaning where your muscles grow and fat is burned. Most people think this happens in the gym but this is not correct... it happens on rest days.
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