Tim Spell Testimonial

TFN Client Tim Spell talks about how he found TFN and what it means to him.

Tim has been training with coach Jenn Stofferahn since May of 2019. At the time, he was a rowing athlete in the Potomac Boat Club and realized that if he wanted to get better, he needed to get stronger. Previously, he had done some weight lifting on his own, but found that he was often getting injured and that he needed to outsource to some experts. And so he began his search for the best powerlifting gym in the area. Enter TFN.

Between being an executive of the company, OpenWater, and spending time with his gorgeous family, you may think it would be difficult for him to prioritize training at TFN as well. However, Tim would argue the opposite. He learned some time ago the importance of executive time management and blocking off recurring time on your calendar for your health so you can be at you best for your family and your company.

At this point, Tim views powerlifting and coming to TFN just like brushing your teeth: something that should be a regular part of everyone’s regular routine! We’re sure glad to have him here too :)