A trained dancer, runner, and swimmer, Jenn Stofferahn discovered strength training in her 30s – and with it, the physique and athleticism she’d been seeking. Now she shares these tools as part of the team at TFN in McLean. Jenn is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University and the National Personal Training Institute, and is certified by Precision Nutrition. Jenn is a competitive “raw” powerlifter in the drug-free USA Powerlifting Federation. She still dances and is a longtime blues and rock musician.
Jenn also directs TFN’s Nutrition program, and works one-on-one to help clients adopt new lifelong habits for a lean physique. She lives in Northern Virginia with her genius husband and colleague, Elliott, and their awesome pets.
Everyone should resistance train with things that feel heavy. Here’s why: Your body responds to stimuli, so if you give your muscles, bones, heart and brain reasons to be stronger, they will be. If you don’t, your body will automatically take the easy path and it will be all downhill from there. We live in a world that doesn’t demand much of us physically, so we have to exercise intelligently to build the muscle we’re meant to have. And muscle is great! It’s very useful (think lawn mowing and grocery bag hauling), it looks good (with or without clothing on top), and strong muscles mean strong bones too. Lifting weights is perfect for everybody because it’s scalable to your individual starting point. Work with me at any age and you WILL have the best body of your lifetime.
How to get the most out of a session with Jenn
Keep your appointment!
Expect to work hard. Change doesn’t happen quietly.
Trust my judgement and believe in your potential.
Contact Jenn
“Jenn’s knowledge and patience make me feel comfortable to ask questions during our training, which gives me the confidence to reach for bigger challenges.”
NPTI Certified Trainer and Nutrition Coach
Precision Nutrition Certified
USAPL Club Level Coach