For serious lifters looking to increase their total, TFN offers top tier powerlifting coaching. If you are hungry to put some kilos on your lifts, and take your training to the next level, powerlifting coaching with TFN is for you.

Performing your best at a meet is an exhilarating feeling. We know, because we compete ourselves. We know it takes a lot of work—and the right type of work—to succeed.  Good lifters are not always the strongest, and the strongest are not always good lifters.  Players make plays, and lifters make lifts, and TFN lifters do it with polish.  You can tell a polished lifter from across the room, and all TFN lifters show a respect for the sport, and demonstrate it on the platform.

Our coaches lift and coach in the USAPL, the nation's premiere drug-free powerlifting federation, and the only drug-tested avenue to international competition. We have studied with the best in the game, and hold ourselves to the same high standards as athletes ourselves. We provide expert program design, technical coaching, and meet preparation to lifters in the DC metro area and across the country.  TFN is recognized as a recommended training facility by USA Powerlifting, and we are proud to represent our sport. 


"TFN is THE place to go in Northern Virginia for strength coaching and personal training expertise.. I strongly recommend this facility and these people to anyone looking to step-up their game. "

— Matt Gary, USAPL Coaching Committee Chair