DID YOU KNOW? TFN offers its Nutrition Counseling virtually! Meet with your coach from anywhere in the world via FaceTime or Zoom and receive the same attention to detail as if we’re in the room with you. 

You already know that healthy eating is important. But did you know that proper nutrition is actually the most important aspect of body composition?

Whether you are trying to lose weight, bulk up or simply feel better about your eating habits, you know that food plays a big role. However, with so many fad diets and “expert” opinions out there, it’s not always easy to figure out exactly what you need to do. Furthermore, even when you know what needs to be done, implementation is another story.

At TFN, we give you the tools to create meaningful and lasting dietary changes. Our approach revolves around lifestyle and behavioral science, not dieting, because we know that enduring change begins with daily, incremental victories, not calorie counting and restriction.


“I have built new habits and a better understanding of my fitness and nutrition needs. My nutritional advisor, Jenn Stofferahn, has been a true partner in this effort.”

— Bill E.