No more missed openers for sumo pullers
/At least once a meet, a sumo puller misses a DL opener. Assuming they make appropriate attempt selection, the opener will be a breeze. Except sometimes it's almost too easy and the bar jumps off the floor, and right before lockout....whoops....a little up and down motion on the bar, and the red lights go up. I know because I've done it myself.
Don't be this guy:
And here's me collecting more red lights on an opener:
So what causes this mistake? Why do lifters keep making this mistake? It's an easy to make technical error, and it's also an easy fix . Take a look:
Deadlift like this guy. This is what it's supposed to look like:
Again, this is a super common error, and one that is easily avoidable. Push hard through the floor, and crush all your openers, and maybe help out the next person who has that little 'whoops' at the top.
And just for fun: here's my best pull from last year's nationals; a lift that still means a lot to me. Jeremy Hartman has been instrumental in fixing up my pull, and he just happened to be the announcer for my platform that day, something I didn't know ahead of time. I couldn't believe it when I heard his voice in my ear, and knew I had to get it. Thanks to Jeremy and everyone else who has helped improve my deadlift over the years, and cheers to more PRs!