Take the “Thanksgiving VEGGIE Challenge”!
/Veggies everywhere!
Anyone who works on their nutrition with our team knows that knowing and loving vegetables is KEY to a healthy and lean physique. But it isn’t always easy, especially at meals when you’re focused on fun instead of fiber.
With Thanksgiving around the corner, we decided to launch a first annual TFN Thanksgiving VEGGIE Challenge and invite you all to participate. Playing is simple. Take a photo of your Thanksgiving plate this Thursday and show me that it features at LEAST ONE full cup of vegetables. Post it to the comments portion of our Facebook post about the contest (https://www.facebook.com/tfntraining) and be entered to win a brand new SUPER cool TFN t-shirt. Heck yes!
You may ask, “How much is a cup?” Leave your measuring cups in the drawer - a cup sized serving is about the dimensions of your fist. Just eyeball it. On a plate, a cup of veg will take up about 1/3 of the real estate. Your photo evidence will be plenty of proof.
A cup-sized portion is about the size of your fist, and looks bigger when spread out on a plate.
Lastly, “What veggies count?” Okay, let’s be clear. We’re looking mostly for green here. Carrots are a great food but we’re looking for high fiber and low sugar veggies. Potatoes and corn do NOT count, and neither do green peas (all of these foods are more starchy than anything). What works? Any leafies, cooked or raw, green beans, Brussels sprouts, onions, celery, cucumber, asparagus, mushrooms, peppers...the list goes on. Squash counts too, and so does a veggie-packed bowl of soup.
So what’s the point of this challenge? Thanksgiving is a day for feasting and loved ones, and one day of eating won’t break your bank nutritionally. But habits are habits, so make room on your plate for veggies this Thursday and no matter what else you eat, you’ll be on the right track. Stay tuned for the winner of the t-shirt announcement in December!
Have fun - and Happy Thanksgiving!
~Jenn and the TFN team
PS: don’t forget your protein too ;)